A municipal law attorney is familiar with township and borough ordinances (laws), procedures, regulations, and other local government matters. Attorney Kalasnik represents people dealing with the complexity of such local government laws. This includes zoning laws where your rights to use your property may be affected by a municipal ordinance. If you are contacted by a local government official regarding compliance with an ordinance or regulation, you should immediately discuss the matter with a municipal law attorney. There are often strict deadlines for responding to municipal notices. If those deadlines are not met penalties may be severe.
Municipal law includes rules and regulations governing how you may use your property where your home or business is located. Your township or borough most likely has a zoning ordinance which regulates how you may use your property and how and where structures may be placed on your property. If you seek to use your property or build something on it that is not specifically permitted by the zoning ordinance, then you may need a variance or special exception from the local zoning hearing board. Depending on the nature of your proposed use or structure, there may also be other aspects of the zoning ordinance which affect you. Regardless, you should seek legal advice from an attorney experienced in municipal and zoning law before filing a request with your municipality or zoning board. Most people are surprised at how difficult it can be to obtain seemingly simple or reasonable objectives. This is why it’s wise to not only seek legal advice first but also have an attorney represent you at municipal meetings or hearings. These are legal proceedings which often frustrate property owners trying to represent themselves.
Attorney Kalasnik has practiced municipal and zoning law since 1995. He has served as a municipal solicitor and is currently the solicitor for the Heidelberg Township Zoning Hearing Board and West Manheim Township Zoning Hearing Board. He has also successfully represented many private persons seeking approvals from municipal boards. Contact Kalasnik Law Office LLC for a consultation regarding your municipal or zoning law case.
How Will I Know What is Going On With My Case?
Attorney Kalasnik will keep you informed of all developments in the case in writing, by phone, or through office meetings as necessary. You have the right to know about everything that happens in your case as well as what you can expect in the future. I will respond promptly to phone calls, e-mails, or other messages I receive from you.
Kalasnik Law Office LLC in Hanover, PA, can be reached at 717-630-0909.
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Kalasnik Law Office LLC
Serving South Central Pennsylvania with in office Hanover
Experienced. Dedicated. Attentive.
Serving all of South Central Pennsylvania:
1157 Eichelberger St, Suite 4, Hanover, PA 17331
(717) 630-0909
Fax: (717) 632-8020
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Contact Information
1157 Eichelberger St, Suite 4, Hanover, PA 17331
(717) 630-0909
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